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Ava’s Journey: Never Ever Give Up


“Everything in my life has set me up for this challenge right now.”- Jason Khalipa

When Jason Khalipa’s 5-year-old daughter, Ava, was diagnosed with Leukemia, he sprung into action- not just for his family, but for families


“I wanted to help other families. I wanted to help children. And QALO had a connection with NEGU and that’s really why we are sitting here today. It was through the relationships I had already fostered with my sponsorships and just connecting the dots to people who really care.” Jason Khalipa says of his new found connection with Erik Rees of the Jessie Rees Foundation.

The Jessie Rees Foundation is a non-profit inspired by Erik’s 12-year old daughter, Jessie Rees, whose compassion for other children fighting cancer, during her own battle, motivated her to create JoyJars. These jars were filled with toys and games to bring kids fighting cancer a much needed boost of joy, hope, and love. Her personal message during her 10-month fight was NEGU, Never Ever Give Up, and she encouraged other children with this motto.

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Jessie’s JoyJars have reached over 80,000 kids in all 50 states and 27 countries. Jessie’s hope was that every child fighting cancer would get a jar and be encouraged to keep pressing on.

This is the same hope that Jason shares.

“I am honored that Jason would choose to team up with us to encourage more families and more kids to never ever give up. It’s just going to be a great opportunity to cure a lot of bad days and help a lot of kids.” – Eric Rees

The Ava ring was created to continue funding Jessie’s vision with 20% of the proceeds from the ring going to the Jessie Rees Foundation. Join this inspiring mission by purchasing your ring today.

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